###TableSorter Change Log #### Version 2.0.11 (2011-08-04) * Added the ability to set a column parser using a class name * When setting the parser, start the class name with "sorter-" followed by the parser name, e.g. "sorter-text" or "sorter-digit" * The column can be disabled by setting the class name to "sorter-false" * [Demo page](http://mottie.github.com/tablesorter/docs/example-parsers-class-name.html) included. * Custom parsers can also be used - see the updated [writing custom parsers demo](http://mottie.github.com/tablesorter/docs/example-parsers.html). #### Version 2.0.10 (2011-07-31) * Modified the numeric sort with a new method to deal with non-numeric content: * When sorting columns with numeric values, by default any non-numeric or empty cells are treated as if they have a zero value. This puts the text between negative and positive values in a column. * Adding `string : "max+"` to the `headers` option will now treat any non-numeric table cells as if they have a maxiumum positive value (a value greater than the maximum positive value in the column). * Adding `string : "max-"` to the `headers` option will now treat any non-numeric table cells as if they have a maxiumum negative value (a value greater than the maximum negative value in the column). * See the "[Dealing with text strings in numeric sorts](http://mottie.github.com/tablesorter/docs/example-options-headers-digits-strings.html)" demo for a better visual example. * Changed UI theme widget code to use "ui-widget-header" instead of "ui-widget-default" to better match the themes. * Renamed changelog.markdown to changelog.txt to prevent downloading when clicking on the link #### Version 2.0.9 (2011-07-27) * Added a jQuery UI theme and widget example. To apply the jQuery UI theme: * Include any jQuery UI theme on your page. * Add the base tablesorter ui theme (located in css/ui directory) * Add the jQuery UI theme widget code found on [this example page](http://mottie.github.com/tablesorter/docs/example-ui-theme.html). This demo page includes the UI theme switcher. * Added a header index to the `onRenderHeader` function to make it easier to target specific header cells for modification. See the [render header example](http://mottie.github.com/tablesorter/docs/example-option-render-header.html) for an example. * Pager plugin updates: * Removed the `separator` option and added an `output` option which allows you to completely customize the output string. * In the `output` string, include any of the following variables: * `{page}` is replaced with the current page number. * `{totalPages}` is replaced with the total number of pages. * `{startRow}` is replaced with the number of the visible start row of the pager. * `{endRow}` is replaced with the number of the visible end row of the pager. * `{totalRows}` is replaced with the total number of rows. * The `cssPageDisplay` option can now target any element; in previous versions, this element was an input of type text. * Added a `pagerArrows` and `cssDisabled` options: * When `pagerArrows` is true, the first and previous pager arrows have the css class name contained in the `cssDisabled` option applied when the first row is visible. * The next and last pager arrows will be have the `cssDisabled` class applied when the last row is visible. * Additionally, if the number of table rows is less than the pager size, the pager will get the `cssDisabled` class name applied. * If false (the default setting), the pager arrows class names will not change. * Please see the updated [pager demo](http://mottie.github.com/tablesorter/docs/example-pager.html) to see this working. #### Version 2.0.8 (2011-07-21) * Fixed parsers for currency and digits to work with number values separated by commas. Thanks to Josh Renaud for the information! * Fixed "lockedOrder" header option and added documentation and an example on how to use it. * Made the sort order "desc" only trigger off of the first letter, so any word/abbreviation starting with "d" will set the descending sort order, all other letters will set the order to ascending (shhh, because I'm a bad speller :P) * Modified the "sortInitialOrder" option so it can also be set in the headers option. #### Version 2.0.7 (2011-07-17) * Added "pagerChange" and "pagerComplete" events to the pager plugin which trigger on the table. See the [pager demo](http://mottie.github.com/tablesorter/docs/example-pager.html) for an example on how to bind to them. * Added the "sortAppend" since the option was there, but apparently the code wasn't. * Added missing documentation from [my blog post](http://wowmotty.blogspot.com/2011/06/jquery-tablesorter-missing-docs.html) * This included a few new example pages: apply widgets, child rows, render header, sort append and zebra widget. * Added a methods and events table. * Fixed the minified version. Apparently sorting functions called by the eval were removed by the Google Closure Compiler. Resolved by using "Whitespace only" optimization. * Fixed syntax highlighting; updated Chili. #### Version 2.0.6 (2011-06-22) * Forked original files and docs from [tablesorter.com](http://tablesorter.com) to GitHub. * Replaced alphabetical sort with an alphanumeric sort * This "slower" sort can be disabled by setting the `sortLocaleCompare` option to `true` * The `sortLocaleCompare` option's default was changed to `false`. * Added a very basic demo. * Added `tableClass` option * The value is "tablesorter" by default and should no longer be required in the default markup. * This class is applied to the table in the script and should match the css styling. * Each header cell now has its content wrapped with a span. * This allows applying the direction icon to the span instead of the entire cell. * Although, this might just be extra markup with the advent of multiple background images and gradient backgrounds available in CSS3. * Reformatted the code to make jSLint "happier". #### Version 2.0.5b (?) * General * Added "cssChildRow" option - attach a child row to its parent. * Added "sortLocaleCompare" to use the native `String.localeCampare` method during text sort. * Added "onRenderHeader" function that is called when classes are added to the header cells. * Added "selectorHeaders" option to target the the header cells. * Changed multisort function #### Version 2.0.3 (2008-03-17) * Bug fixes - Missing semicolon, broke the minified version. #### Version 2.0.2 (2008-03-14) * General * Added support for the new metadata plugin. * Added support for jQuery 1.2.3. * Added support for decimal numbers and negative and positive digits. * Updated documenation and website with new examples. * Removed packed version. * Bug fixes * Sort force (Thanks to David Lynch). #### Version 2.0.1 (2007-09-17) * General * Removed the need for Dimensions plugin when using the pagnation plugin thanks to offset being included in the jQuery 1.2 core. * Added support for jQuery 1.2. * Added new Minified version of tablesorter. * Updated documenation and website with new examples. * Bug fixes * If row values are identical the original order is kept (Thanks to David hull). * If thead includes a table $('tbody:first', table) breaks (Thanks to David Hull). * Speed improvements: * appendToTable, setting innerHTML to "" before appending new content to table body. * zebra widget. (Thanks to James Dempster).