• This demo uses a modified version of the jQuery UI Dragtable widget (beta) to work with tablesorter.
  • This mod has been tested with the following widgets: alignChar, columns, cssStickyHeaders, editable, filter, grouping, headerTitles, math, output, pager print, reflow, resizable, repeatHeaders, staticRow, uitheme & zebra.
  • This mod does not currently work with the following widgets:
    • chart - needs more work to be compatible.
    • columnSelector - needs more work - making this compatible will require significant changes to the dragtable core.
    • saveSort - this saves the newly moved sorted column properly, but on page reload the column order is restored so it sorts the incorrect column.
    • scroller - way too much work to make this compatible.
    • stickyHeaders - needs more work - can't get the drag handle in the cloned sticky header from passing the mousedown on to the original drag handle.
  • Any widgets not listed above can be assumed to be incompatible, for now.


Student Grades
Name (0)
Major (1)
Sex (2)
English (3)
Japanese (4)
Calculus (5)
Geometry (6)
Student01 (0)Languages (1)male (2)80 (3)70 (4)75 (5)80 (6)


<table class="tablesorter">
<caption>Student Grades</caption>
<th>Name (0)</th> <!-- disable dragtable on this column -->
<th class="drag-enable">Major (1)</th>
<th class="drag-enable">Sex (2)</th>
<th class="drag-enable">English (3)</th>
<th class="drag-enable">Japanese (4)</th>
<th class="drag-enable">Calculus (5)</th>
<th class="drag-enable">Geometry (6)</th>
<tr><td>Student01 (0)</td><td>Languages (1)</td><td>male (2)</td><td>80 (3)</td><td>70 (4)</td><td>75 (5)</td><td>80 (6)</td></tr>


$(function () {
// initialize dragtable FIRST!
// *** new dragtable mod options ***
// this option MUST match the tablesorter selectorSort option!
sortClass: '.sorter',
// this function is called after everything has been updated
tablesorterComplete: function(table){},

// *** original dragtable settings (non-default) ***
dragaccept: '.drag-enable', // class name of draggable cols -> default null = all columns draggable

// *** original dragtable settings (default values) ***
revert: false, // smooth revert
dragHandle: '.table-handle', // handle for moving cols, if not exists the whole 'th' is the handle
maxMovingRows: 40, // 1 -> only header. 40 row should be enough, the rest is usually not in the viewport
excludeFooter: false, // excludes the footer row(s) while moving other columns. Make sense if there is a footer with a colspan. */
onlyHeaderThreshold: 100, // TODO: not implemented yet, switch automatically between entire col moving / only header moving
persistState: null, // url or function -> plug in your custom persistState function right here. function call is persistState(originalTable)
restoreState: null, // JSON-Object or function: some kind of experimental aka Quick-Hack TODO: do it better
exact: true, // removes pixels, so that the overlay table width fits exactly the original table width
clickDelay: 10, // ms to wait before rendering sortable list and delegating click event
containment: null, // @see http://api.jqueryui.com/sortable/#option-containment, use it if you want to move in 2 dimesnions (together with axis: null)
cursor: 'move', // @see http://api.jqueryui.com/sortable/#option-cursor
cursorAt: false, // @see http://api.jqueryui.com/sortable/#option-cursorAt
distance: 0, // @see http://api.jqueryui.com/sortable/#option-distance, for immediate feedback use "0"
tolerance: 'pointer', // @see http://api.jqueryui.com/sortable/#option-tolerance
axis: 'x', // @see http://api.jqueryui.com/sortable/#option-axis, Only vertical moving is allowed. Use 'x' or null. Use this in conjunction with the 'containment' setting
beforeStart: $.noop, // returning FALSE will stop the execution chain.
beforeMoving: $.noop,
beforeReorganize: $.noop,
beforeStop: $.noop
// initialize tablesorter
theme: 'blue',
// this option MUST match the dragtable sortClass option!
selectorSort: '.sorter',
widgets: ['zebra', 'filter', 'columns']

Optional CSS

/* optional styling */
caption {
/* override bootstrap adding 8px to the top & bottom of the caption */
padding: 0;
.ui-sortable-placeholder {
/* change placeholder (seen while dragging) background color */
background: #ddd;
div.table-handle-disabled {
/* optional red background color indicating a disabled drag handle */
background-color: rgba(255,128,128,0.5);
/* opacity set to zero for disabled handles in the dragtable.mod.css file */
opacity: 0.7;
/* fix cursor */
.tablesorter-blue .tablesorter-header {
cursor: default;
.sorter {
cursor: pointer;