
A mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery dateinput picker
9.6kb min, 4.0kb gzipped

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Download pickadate.js v2.1.0 (for old browsers) or read the docs

Read api changes in v2+


For all the themes below, you can scroll the picker into view with something like this:

$( '.datepicker' ).pickadate({
    onOpen: function() {
        scrollPageTo( this.$node )

function scrollPageTo( $node ) {
    $( 'html, body' ).animate({
        scrollTop: ~~$node.offset().top - 60
    }, 150)



§Inline fixed

Download pickadate.js v2.1.0

Browser support: IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, iOS Safari, Android browser

Read the docs (api changes in v2+) or view project on Github

Made by Amsul