pickadate.jsBack to v3

A mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight jQuery dateinput picker
9.6kb min, 4.0kb gzipped

Download pickadate.js v2.1.8 (for old browsers) or read the docs


For all the themes below, you can scroll the picker into view with something like this:

$( '.datepicker' ).pickadate({
    onOpen: function() {
        scrollPageTo( this.$node )

function scrollPageTo( $node ) {
    $( 'html, body' ).animate({
        scrollTop: ~~$node.offset().top - 60
    }, 150)



§Inline fixed

Download pickadate.js v2.1.8

Browser support: IE7+, Chrome, Firefox, Safari, Opera, iOS Safari, Android browser

Dependency: jQuery 1.7+

Read the docs or view project on Github

Featured on The Treehouse Show

Made by Amsul