
The mobile-friendly, responsive, and lightweight
jQuery date & time input picker.

Download pickadate.js v3.0.1

The Date Picker§


Customize it with dropdown selectors, date formats, and lots more.

The Time Picker§


Customize it with time intervals, time formats, and lots more.


Some highlights include support for jQuery 1.7 and up, touch & keyboard friendliness, BEM style class naming, LESS based stylesheets, and a Grunt based build system.

The picker is built to be extended. Check the API to see how you can add in custom functionality. Extensions – such as keyboard typing, “from” and “to” pickers, “clear” and “close” buttons – can be viewed on Codepen.

Browser Support§

Supports all modern browsers – and IE8+.

Specifically, v3 has been tested with Chrome MWA, Firefox MWA, Opera MWA, Safari Mi, Internet Explorer W, Blackberry 6.0+ and Android 3.2+ browsers.

M = Mac, W = Windows, A = Android, i = iOS

Make sure to also include the legacy.js file along for the oldie browsers.