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URI Constructor

var uri = new URI(); // same as new URI(location.href)
// string
var uri = new URI("");

// URI object for cloning
var uri = new URI(new URI(""));

// URI parts object
var uri = new URI({
    protocol: 'http',
    host: ''

// without new keyword
var uri = URI("");

// resolving right in the constructor
var uri = URI("../foobar.html", "");
// which is exactly the same as 
// but specified in URL constructor

The following parts can be specified in an object:

var uri = new URI({
    protocol: 'http', // no trailing :
    username: 'user',
    password: 'pass',
    hostname: '',
    port: '80', // string, please
    // "path", not "pathname", sorry
    path: '/foo/bar.html',
    // "query", not "search", sorry
    query: 'foo=bar&bar=baz', // no leading ?
    // "fragment", not "hash", sorry
    fragment: 'frag' // no leading #

using only components of URIs:

// Look ma! I'm only working the pathname
var uri = new URI("some/directory/file.html");

// Look ma! I'm only working the query string
var uri = new URI("?foo=bar");

// Look ma! I'm only working the fragment / hash
var uri = new URI("#call-me-hash");

// and any combination of the above…


var uri = new URI("");
// get protocol
uri.protocol(); // returns string "http"
// set protocol
uri.protocol("ftp"); // returns the URI instance for chaining


var uri = new URI("http://user:[email protected]/foo/hello.html");
// get username
uri.username(); // returns string "user"
// set username
uri.username("user"); // returns the URI instance for chaining


var uri = new URI("http://user:[email protected]/foo/hello.html");
// get password
uri.password(); // returns string "pass"
// set password
uri.password("user"); // returns the URI instance for chaining


var uri = new URI("");
// get protocol
uri.hostname(); // returns string
// set protocol
uri.hostname(""); // returns the URI instance for chaining

NOTE: .hostname() returns the actual hostname, whereas .host() returns the hostname including the port


var uri = new URI("");
// get port
uri.port(); // returns string "8080"
// set port
uri.port("80"); // returns the URI instance for chaining

NOTE: although the port may be considered an integer, within URI it is a string.


var uri = new URI("");
// get host; // returns string ""
// set host""); // returns the URI instance for chaining

NOTE: .hostname() returns the actual hostname, whereas .host() returns the hostname including the port


Authority is comprised of username, password, hostname and port

var uri = new URI("http://user:[email protected]:88/foo/hello.html");
// get authority
uri.authority(); // returns string "user:[email protected]:88"
// set authority
uri.authority("user:[email protected]:80"); // returns the URI instance for chaining

NOTE: .authority() will reset any of username, password and port if they're not specified.


.domain() is a convenience method that returns from the hostname

var uri = new URI("");
// get domain
uri.domain(); // returns string ""
// set domain
uri.domain(""); // returns the URI instance for chaining

NOTE: .domain() will throw an error if you pass it an empty string.


.subdomain() is a convenience method that returns www from the hostname

var uri = new URI("");
// get subdomain
uri.subdomain(); // returns string "www"
// set subdomain
uri.subdomain("other.subdomain"); // returns the URI instance for chaining


.tld() is a convenience method that returns org from the hostname

var uri = new URI("");
// get tld
uri.tld(); // returns string "org"
// set tld
uri.tld("com"); // returns the URI instance for chaining

NOTE: .tld() will throw an error if you pass it an empty string or use it on an IP-host.

pathname(), path()

.path() is an alias of .pathname()

var uri = new URI("");
// get pathname
uri.pathname(); // returns string "/foo/hello.html"
// set pathname
uri.pathname("/foo/hello.html"); // returns the URI instance for chaining

// will encode for you
uri.pathname('/hello world/');
uri.pathname() === '/hello%20world/';
// will decode for you
uri.pathname(true) === '/hello world/';


.directory() is an convenience method for mutating the directory part of a path

var uri = new URI("");
// get directory; // returns string "/foo" (no trailing slash)
// set directory"/bar"); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == ""

// will encode for you'/hello world/'); === '/hello%20world';
// will decode for you === '/hello world';


.filename() is an convenience method for mutating the filename part of a path

var uri = new URI("");
// get filename
uri.filename(); // returns string "hello.html" (no leading slash)
// set filename
uri.filename("world.xml"); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == ""

// will encode for you
uri.filename('hello world.html');
uri.filename() === 'hello%20world.html';
// will decode for you
uri.filename(true) === 'hello world.html';


.suffix() is an convenience method for mutating the filename part of a path

var uri = new URI("");
// get suffix
uri.suffix(); // returns string "html" (no leading dot)
// set suffix
uri.suffix("xml"); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == ""

// will encode for you
uri.suffix() === 'w%C3%BCrgh';
// will decode for you
uri.suffix(true) === 'würgh';
var uri = new URI("");
// get search; // returns string "?foo=bar&bar=baz" (leading ?)
// get query
uri.query(); // returns string "foo=bar&bar=baz" (no leading ?)

// .query() and .search() behave the same for the following:

// set search"?foo=bar&bar=baz"); // returns the URI instance for chaining"foo=bar&bar=baz"); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == """"); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == ""

// get data map:; // returns { foo: "bar", hello : ["world", "mars"] }

// set data map:{ foo: "bar", hello : ["world", "mars"] });
// uri == ""

// CAUTION: beware of arrays, the following are not quite the same
// If you're dealing with PHP, you probably want the latter…"?foo=bar&bar=baz");"?foo=bar[]&bar[]=baz");

Note that names and values passed in an object are encoded automatically. The object, resulting from parsing the query string, contains decoded values

Hint: If you're using jQuery, have a look at their .serialize() function.

hash(), fragment()

var uri = new URI("");
// get hash
uri.hash(); // returns string "#world" (leading #)
// get fragment
uri.fragment(); // returns string "world" (no leading #)

// .hash() and .fragment() behave the same for the following:

// set hash
uri.hash("#mars"); // returns the URI instance for chaining
uri.hash("mars"); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == ""


.is() tells what a URL is. It responds with a boolean and can be asked the following questions:

true if URL doesn't have a hostname
domain, name
true if hostname is not an IP
true if hostname contains non-alphanumeric characters and is not an IP
true if hostname contains xn--
true if hostname is IPv4 or IPv6
ip4, ipv4, inet4
true if hostname is IPv4
ip6, ipv6, inet6
true if hostname is IPv6
var uri = new URI("");'relative') === false;'name') === true;'punycode') === false;'IDN') === false; // case doesn't matter'idn') === false; // case doesn't matter'ip') === false;

var uri = new URI("");'relative') === false;'name') === false;'IP') === true;'IPv4') === true;'IPv6') === false;

var uri = new URI("http://fe80:0000:0000:0000:0204:61ff:fe9d:f156/");'IP') === true;'IPv4') === false;'IPv6') === true;

var uri = new URI("/hello/world.html");'relative') === true;'name') === false;'IP') === false;

Working with the query string

addSearch(), addQuery()

.addQuery() is an alias of .addSearch()

var uri = new URI("?hello=world");
uri.addSearch("hello", "mars"); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == "?hello=world&hello=mars"

uri.addSearch({ foo: "bar", goodbye : ["world", "mars"] });
// uri == "?hello=world&hello=mars&foo=bar&goodbye=world&goodbye=mars"

// CAUTION: beware of arrays, the following are not quite the same
// If you're dealing with PHP, you probably want the latter…
uri.addSearch("foo", ["bar", "baz"]);
uri.addSearch("foo[]", ["bar", "baz"]);

Note that names and values passed in are encoded automatically.

removeSearch(), removeQuery()

.removeQuery() is an alias of .removeSearch()

var uri = new URI("?hello=world&hello=mars&foo=bar");
// remove an attribute
uri.removeSearch("hello"); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == "?foo=bar"

// remove an attribute with value filter"?hello=world&hello=mars&foo=bar");
uri.removeSearch("hello", "world"); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == "?hello=mars&foo=bar"

// remove multiple values"?hello=world&hello=mars&foo=bar&mine=true");
uri.removeSearch(["hello", "foo"]);
// uri == "?mine=true" 

// remove multiple values with value filter"?hello=world&hello=mars&foo=bar&mine=true&a=1&a=2&a=3");
uri.removeSearch({hello: "world", foo: undefined, a: ["1", "3"]});
// uri == "?hello=mars&mine=true&a=2"

Normalizing URLs


executes normalizeProtocol(), normalizeHostname(), normalizePort(), normalizePath(), normalizeSearch(), normalizeHash()


var uri = new URI("hTTp://");
// normalize protocol
uri.normalizeProtocol(); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == ""


For IDN conversion punycode.js must be available (bundled in URI.js). For IPv6-best-notation conversion IPv6.js must be available (bundled in URI.js). Also lower-cases hostnames.

var uri = new URI("http://www.exä");
// normalize IDN host
uri.normalizeHostname(); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == ""

// normalize IPv6 host
uri.normalizeHostname(); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == "http://fe80::204:61ff:fe9d:f156/"

// normalize hostname to lower case
uri.normalizeHostname(); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == ""

There is no .normalizeHost(), as .host() is a property comprised of .hostname() and .port()


Removes the port, if it's the default for the given protocol (http: 80, https: 443, ftp: 21).

The list of default ports can be modified at URI.defaultPorts

var uri = new URI("");
// normalize port
uri.normalizePort(); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == ""

normalizePathname(), normalizePath()

.normalizePath() is an alias of .normalizePathname(), they resolve relative hierarchies

var uri = new URI("/hello/foo/woo/.././../world.html");
// normalize path
uri.normalizePathname(); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == "/hello/world.html"

Turns ?&foo=bar&&foo=bar&foo=baz& into ?foo=bar&foo=baz and removes ? if there is no query string.

var uri = new URI("?&foo=bar&&foo=bar&foo=baz&");
// normalize search
uri.normalizeSearch(); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == "?foo=bar&foo=baz"

normalizeHash(), normalizeFragment()

removes # if there is no hash

var uri = new URI("");
// normalize hash
uri.normalizeHash(); // returns the URI instance for chaining
// uri == ""

Formatting URLs


Formats URLs to be human readable (much like your browser does nowadays).

var uri = new URI("http://foo:[email protected]/"
    + "hello%20world/ä.html?foo%5B%5D=b+är#fragment");

u.readable() === "http://www.exä"
    + "hello world/ä.html?foo[]=b är#fragment";

Relative and Absolute URLs


.relativeTo() compares to paths an makes one relative to the other

var uri = new URI("/relative/path");
// make path relative
var relUri = uri.relativeTo("/relative/sub/foo/sub/file"); // returns a new URI instance
// relUri == "../../../path"

.relativeTo() and .absoluteTo() reverse each other.


.absoluteTo() makes a relative path absolute based on another path

var uri = new URI("../../../path");
// make path absolute
var relUri = uri.absoluteTo("/relative/sub/foo/sub/file"); // returns a new URI instance
// relUri == "/relative/path"

.relativeTo() and .absoluteTo() reverse each other.

Comparing URLs


.equals() determines if the given URLs are the same - disregarding default ports, capitalization, dot-pathnames, query-parameter order, etc.

var a = ""
        + "?foo=bar&hello=world&hello=mars#fragment",

// normalizing URI before comparison:
b = ""
    + "?foo=bar&hello=world&hello=mars#fragment";

a !== b;
URI(a).equals(b) === true;

// comparing query string parameters:
b = ""
    + "?hello=mars&foo=bar&hello=world&#fragment";

a !== b;
URI(a).equals(b) === true;

// shorthand for comparing to window.location.href:

Static Functions

URI.parse(string url)

parses a string into its URI components. returns an object containing the found components

var result = URI.parse("");
result === {
    protocol: "http", 
    username: null, 
    password: null, 
    hostname: "",
    port: null,
    path: "/foo.html",
    query: null,
    fragment: null

URI.parseAuthority(string url, object parts)

parses a string's beginning into its URI components username, password, hostname, port. Found components are appended to the parts parameter. Remaining string is returned

var parts = {},
    result = URI.parseAuthority("user:[email protected]:8080/foo.html", parts);
result === "/foo.html";
parts === {
    username: "user", 
    password: "pass", 
    hostname: "",
    port: "8080"

URI.parseHost(string url, object parts)

parses a string's beginning into its URI components hostname, port. Found components are appended to the parts parameter. Remaining string is returned

var parts = {},
    result = URI.parseAuthority("", parts);
result === "/foo.html";
parts === {
    hostname: "",
    port: "8080"

URI.parseQuery(string querystring)

Parses the passed query string into an object. Returns object {propertyName: propertyValue}

var result = URI.parseQuery("?foo=bar&hello=world&hello=mars&bam=&yup");
result === {
    foo: "bar",
    hello: ["world", "mars"],
    bam: "",
    yup: null
}; parts)

serializes the URI components passed in parts into a URI string

var parts = {
    protocol: "http", 
    username: null, 
    password: null, 
    hostname: "",
    port: null,
    path: "/foo.html",
    query: null,
    fragment: null
}; === "";

URI.buildAuthority(object parts)

serializes the URI components username, password, hostname, port passed in parts into a URI string

var parts = {
    username: "user", 
    password: "pass", 
    hostname: "",
    port: "8080"
URI.buildAuthority(parts) === "user:[email protected]:8080";

URI.buildHost(object parts)

serializes the URI components hostname, port passed in parts into a URI string

var parts = {
    hostname: "",
    port: "8080"
URI.buildHost(parts) === "";

URI.buildQuery(object data, [boolean duplicates])

serializes the query string parameters

var data = {
    foo: "bar",
    hello: ["world", "mars", "mars"],
    bam: "",
    yup: null,
    removed: undefined

// Note: duplicate hello=mars is dropped (default behavior!)
URI.buildQuery(data) === "foo=bar&hello=world&hello=mars&bam=&yup";

// Note: duplicate hello=mars is preserved
URI.buildQuery(data, true) === "foo=bar&hello=world&hello=mars&hello=mars&bam=&yup";

To preserve duplicate values, use URI.buildQuery() directly:

var uri = new URI(""),
    data = uri.query(true);

data.some = "new data";
uri.query(URI.buildQuery(data, true));

// you can also use the static URI.addQuery() and URI.removeQuery()
URI.addQuery(data, "hello", "world");
uri.query(URI.buildQuery(data, true));


adds data to a map

var data = {};

URI.addQuery(data, "hello", "mars");
data === {hello: 'mars'};

URI.addQuery(data, "hello", "world");
data === {hello: ['mars', 'world']};

URI.addQuery(data, {foo: "bar", goodbye : ["world", "mars"]});
data === {hello: ['mars', 'world'], foo: "bar", goodbye : ["world", "mars"]};


removes data from a map

var data === {hello: ['mars', 'world'], foo: "bar", goodbye : ["world", "mars"]};

URI.removeQuery(data, "hello");
data === {foo: "bar", goodbye : ["world", "mars"]};

// remove an attribute with value filter
data = {hello: ["world", "mars"], foo: "bar"};
URI.removeQuery(data, "hello", "world");
data === {hello: ["mars"], foo: "bar"} // yes, still an array

// remove multiple values
data = {hello: ["world", "mars"], foo: "bar", mine: "true"}
URI.removeQuery(["hello", "foo"]);
data === {mine: "true"};

// remove multiple values with value filter
data = {hello: ["world", "mars"], foo: "bar", mine: "true", a: ["1", "2", "3"]}
URI.removeQuery({hello: "world", foo: undefined, a: ["1", "3"]});
data === {hello: ["mars"], mine: "true", a: ["2"]}


URI.commonPath() determines the common base directory of two paths.

URI.commonPath('/foo/bar/baz.html', '/foo/bar/world.html');
// returns "/foo/bar/"

URI.commonPath('/foo/bar/baz.html', '/foo/bazz/world.html');
// returns "/foo/"

URI.commonPath('/foo/bar/baz.html', '/other/world.html');
// returns "/"

URI.commonPath('/foo', 'bar');
// returns ""


URI.withinString() identifies URIs within text, e.g. to translate them to <a>-Tags. (Obviously you'd want to put the urls inside the href-Attribute and escape them properly…)

var source = "Hello,\n"
    + " is a search engine, like\n"
    + "http://exä is an IDN URL,\n"
    + " is IPv4 and "
    + "http://fe80:0000:0000:0000:0204:61ff:fe9d:f156/foobar.html is IPv6.\n"
    + "links can also be in parens ( "
    + "or quotes »«.";

var result = URI.withinString(source, function(url) {
    // callback needs to return a string
    // feel free to URI(url).normalize().toString() or something
    return '<a>' + url + '</a>';

/* result is:
Hello <a></a>,
<a></a> is a search engine, like <a></a>
<a>http://exä</a> is an IDN URL,
<a></a> is IPv4 and <a>http://fe80:0000:0000:0000:0204:61ff:fe9d:f156/foobar.html</a> is IPv6.
links can also be in parens (<a></a>) or quotes »<a></a>«.

// a proper replacement could look like the following:
var escapeHtml = function(string) { 
        return string
            .replace(/&/g, '&amp;')
            .replace(//g, '&gt;')
            .replace(/"/g, '&quot;');
    result = URI.withinString(source, function(url) {
        var uri = new URI(url);
        return '<a href="' + escapeHtml(uri) + '">' 
            + escapeHtml(url.readable()) + '</a>';