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URI Template

As of version 1.7.0 URI.js includes an implementation of URI Templates, as specified in RFC 6570 (Level 4, March 2012).

Using URI Templates

// creating a new URI Template
var template = new URITemplate("{file}");
var result = template.expand({file: "hello world.html"});
result === "";

// of course you can call the constructor like a function and chain things:
result = URITemplate("{file}")
  .expand({file: "hello world.html"});
result === "";

// access via URI
result = URI.expand("{file}", {file: "hello world.html"});
// result == new URI("");

// expand() accepts data-callbacks:
template.expand(function(key) {
    var data = {file: "hello world.html"};
    return data[key];

// expand() accepts key-callbacks:
template.expand({file : function(key) {
    return "hello world.html";

URI Template Syntax

Expressions are placeholders which are to be substituted by the values their variables reference.

An expression consists of an operator and a (comma-separated) list of variable-specifications. A variable-specification consists of a variable and an optional modifier.

Given the template{username}/{term:1}/{term}{?q*,lang}

and the following data:

{username: "rodneyrehm", term: "hello world", q: {a: "mars", b: "jupiter"}, lang: "en"}

the expansion looks as follows:


List of supported operators:

NoneSimple String Expansion;
+Reserved character strings;
#Fragment identifiers prefixed by "#";
.Name labels or extensions prefixed by ".";
/Path segments prefixed by "/";
;Path parameter name or name=value pairs prefixed by ";";
?Query component beginning with "?" and consisting of name=value pairs separated by "&"; and,
&Continuation of query-style &name=value pairs within a literal query component.

List of supported modifiers:

NoneNo modification, arrays and objects are joined with ","
*Explode arrays and objects (see tables below)
:3Substring of the first 3 characters of the variable's value

Strings and Numbers

Given {"var": "hello[world]"}, the expression {var} expands to hello%5Bworld%5D. The following table shows an output matrix for every possible operator/modifier combination produced for array input.



Given {"var": ["one", "two", "three"]}, the expression {var} expands to one,two,three. The following table shows an output matrix for every possible operator/modifier combination produced for array input.


Objects ("plain objects" / "hash maps")

Given {"var": {"one": "alpha", "two": "bravo"}}, the expression {var} expands to one,two,three. The following table shows an output matrix for every possible operator/modifier combination produced for object input.



URI Template is a Proposed Standard and because of that I did not want to deviate from it. That said I'm not at all happy with how the specification turned out. Here are some of my thoughts: